
The issue with Telstra ADSL Victoria has now been fixed and services have been restored.

We will circulate the post-incident report to impacted customers as soon as we receive it from our supplier.

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Unfortunately, we're still having an issue with Telstra Melbourne ADSL service. We've been advised by our upstream carrier the replacement line card has not resolved the issue.

The issue is being worked on at a senior level with Telstra and we hope it will be resolved very shortly, however, at this stage we do not have an estimated restoration time.

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The issue has been located, an essential network component has failed and a replacement is due on site at 4pm today. It is only impacting our Telstra ADSL services in Melbourne, all other broadband services are not impacted.

Our sincere apologies for the extended delay on this outage, rest assure we're doing everything we possibly can to have it rectified.

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There is currently a fault impacting all ADSL services that are connected via the Telstra ADSL network. We're investigating the issue and will provide an update as soon as we know more.

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